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Doctors and Hospitals

Provider Finder®

Our Provider Finder offers you more ways to search than ever before. You can look up doctors, hospitals and other providers by location. You can also research providers using patient reviews, certifications and recognition information. The network for TRS-Care Standard is Blue Choice® PPO.

Log in or register now for Blue Access for MembersSM to:

  • Find providers wherever you are without entering your location for each search
  • Identify locations where a provider practices in one search
  • Use a global search bar to get faster results
  • See if a Blue Distinction® Center for specialty care is available near you
  • See what other patients say about a provider, or add your own review
  • View quality, certifications and recognitions for doctors

Talk to a Nurse

When you need help deciding whether you should go to the emergency room or make an appointment with your doctor, 24/7 Nurseline is here to help. Call 1-833-968-1770 any time, day or night, with questions about fevers, burns and other health issues.

For medical emergencies, call 911. This program is not a substitute for a doctor’s care. Talk to your doctor about any health questions or concerns.

International Emergency Care

When you need emergency care outside the United States, you'll be able to count on the Blue Cross Blue Shield Global® Core program, which provides access to doctors and hospitals in more than 200 countries and territories around the world. For more information and to locate a provider outside the U.S., visit Blue Cross Blue Shield Global Core.