Blue Cross MedicareRx
Welcome to Blue Cross MedicareRx
You've made a smart decision when you chose Blue Cross MedicareRx. You'll get the most from your plan dollars by getting to know the tools and resources that make managing your coverage easy.

Welcome to Your Blue Cross MedicareRx Plan
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas is here to help you start taking the right steps in your care. Learn about your about Blue Cross MedicareRx plan like what happens after you enroll, how to use and understand your plan’s benefits, how to find a pharmacy, and more. If you have questions, we’re here to help, visit Contact Us.
What to Expect When You First Enroll
A Welcome Packet Will Come in the Mail
Look out for a packet with your member ID card, and other important documents and information. Your Welcome Packet will include important documents and information like:
Member ID card
You can start using your benefits on your effective date, even if your id card has not yet arrived in the mail. If something is wrong with your ID card, please let us know. If you have a problem with or need to order a new ID card, log in to your Blue Access for Members account.
Evidence of Coverage (EOC)
This document tells you how to get your medical care and prescription drugs covered through our plan. Review it and keep it in a safe place.
You’ll Get Email Updates (If You Choose)
Stay informed about health plan benefits and programs throughout the year via email. We never share your email address and you can always opt out any time.
Using Your Plan's Benefits
To start managing your plan, you can get basic information about how your plan works. You can also access tools and resources to help you get the most from your plan.
Annual Notice of Change (ANOC)
You will receive an Annual Notice of Change in October. This notice outlines any expected premium and/or benefit changes for next year. These changes will go into effect January 1 of the following calendar year. Review this document carefully.
Explanation of Benefits (EOB)
This is a statement of services rendered. It is not a bill. It simply details what you have paid and the level of benefits you’ve used. How often you receive an EOB depends on how often you fill your prescriptions. Review the details on your EOBs to be sure they are correct. If you think there are errors, please contact us. If you think you are the victim of fraud, report it immediately.