Q. Will I be able to see my current providers?
A. Yes. Under the UT CARE plan, which is an ‘open access’ or ‘passive’ PPO, you can go to any providers who: 1) accept Medicare; 2) agree to see you as a patient; and 3) agree to submit claims to Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas. They do not need to be part of any Blue Cross and Blue Shield network.
Q. How will my provider know my plan has changed?
A. Please inform your providers that your plan has changed when you call for an appointment and when you arrive for your visit. As a UT CARE member, you have a new member number and ID card. Be sure to show your new card to your providers or their office staff. Remind them that your old ID is no longer valid. If the provider does not use your new number, your benefits cannot be confirmed and there may be delays processing your claims. Your welcome kit will also have a notice to bring with you when you see your provider.
Q. Will my provider be able to submit claims easily to UT CARE?
A. Yes. In fact, we simplified the UT CARE claims process for providers. Instead of submitting claims to Medicare, providers can now submit directly to Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas. We take care of any interactions with Medicare on behalf of the provider and you. In addition, we offer providers education and dedicated online resources about UT CARE that can be quickly accessed. And we make it easy for them to reach customer service any time they have questions.
Q. Will most providers agree to bill the new program?
A. 98% of providers across the country accept Medicare. Open Access PPO plans like UT CARE, which cover everything covered by Medicare Part A and B and more, are new to some providers. Many are accustomed to submitting claims directly to Medicare rather than to an insurer like BCBSTX. For most UT CARE patients, providers will file claims with their local BCBS plan and are familiar with this process. If your providers accept Medicare, we’ve made it easy for them to submit claims for your care.
Q. Help me understand how the provider network works if I don’t need to see a network provider.
A. This is an Open Access PPO plan. Any provider who accepts Medicare assignment and agrees to bill BCBS, will be paid. Providers who have contracted to be in the BCBS network will be paid their contracted rate. Providers who are not in the BCBS network will be paid the Medicare allowable rate for your care. You can see providers inside and outside of the BCBS network who agree to the rules stated above. Providers outside of Texas can file claims with their local BCBS plan and are familiar with this process.
Q. The new UT CARE Medicare PPO plan requires that providers accept Medicare patients and must also “agree to submit claims to BCBSTX.” What does this claims process entail? Does it differ from the current billing procedures?
A. There is no difference in the submission of claims for providers accepting assignment and willing to submit claims to BCBS. With this process there will be no member intervention needed. Providers will not need to submit claims directly to Medicare. The claims will process seamlessly according to benefits allowed and based on medical necessity. Providers outside of Texas can file claims with their local BCBS plan and should be familiar with this process.
Q. If a provider is not on the PPO list, is it possible to continue to be treated by this healthcare provider without incurring significant copays and/or deductibles?
A. This is an Open Access PPO plan. Any provider who accepts Medicare assignment and agrees to bill BCBS will be paid. Providers who have contracted to be in the BCBS network will be paid their contracted rate. Providers who are not in the BCBS network will be paid the Medicare allowable rate for your care. Providers outside of Texas can file claims with their local BCBS plan and are familiar with this process.
Q. We live outside of Texas and our providers are not part of the BCBS network. Will they know what UT CARE is? What documents will we have to share with the provider to explain how to submit claims?
A. This is an Open Access PPO plan. Any provider who accepts Medicare assignment and agrees to bill BCBS will be paid. Providers who are not in the BCBS network will be paid the Medicare allowable rate for your care.
You will receive a notice in your welcome kit to share with your provider. Providers outside of Texas can file claims with their local BCBS plan and are familiar with this process. The customer service number listed on the back of your member ID card is for you or your provider to call with any questions.
Q. One of the joys of retirement is that retirees can travel to visit family and places outside of their home bases. If we become ill or are involved in an accident while traveling, will we be able to find care and how will the provider submit the claim?
A. This is an Open Access PPO plan. You can see any out-of-state provider who accepts Medicare assignment and agrees to bill BCBS.
If you require medical treatment while out of the country, you are only covered in an emergency or urgent situation. Like the UT SELECT plan, the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Global Core program gives members traveling outside of the United States and its territories access to urgent and emergency medical assistance services and doctors and hospitals in more than 200 countries around the world. If you have questions about what medical care is covered when you travel, please call customer service or access information at globalcore.
Claim Forms for care received abroad can be obtained at globalcore or by calling 1-800-810-BLUE.
Submit claims to:
BCBS Global Core Service Center
P.O Box 2048
Southeastern, PA 19399
Q. What is the appeal process?
A. To request an appeal, you, your representative, or your doctor can mail or fax a written request as well as contact customer service. Appeals must be submitted within 60 days of receiving your Explanation of Benefits (EOB) for the visit in question.
If you submit a written request for appeal, you must include the following information:
Your name, member number, address, reasons for appealing, and any evidence you want us to review such as medical records, doctor’s letters or other information that explains why you need the item or service.
Requests can be mailed to:
Blue Cross Medicare Advantage
Attention: Appeals Department
P.O. Box 663099
Dallas, TX 75266
For a standard appeal we will provide a written decision within 60 days.
Q. Can I see a provider who doesn’t accept Medicare assignment?
A. Yes. If a member goes to a provider who does NOT accept Medicare assignment and is not in the national BCBS Medicare Advantage PPO network, the member may be expected to pay the billed amount directly to the provider at the time of service. The member can submit the claim to BCBSTX. We would then pay the claim to the member at the Medicare limiting charge of 115% of the Medicare fee schedule for professional providers. If the provider has charged more than the 115% limiting charge, the member would not be reimbursed the difference of the billed amount they paid to the provider for services and 115% Medicare rates paid. The member would need to pursue a refund from the provider directly.
Example: Robert sees Dr. Smith, a non-participating provider and pays him $200 after the visit. The Medicare allowed amount for the visit is $80. Because Medicare limits what the provider can charge for covered services to 115% of the allowed amount for the service, Robert will be reimbursed $92. The remaining $108 will not be reimbursed.
$ 80 - Medicare allowed amount for the service
$ 92 - 115% of the allowed amount
$ 200 - Robert pays Dr. Smith
$ 92 - Robert is reimbursed this amount by BCBS
$ 108 - Robert would need to seek this refund from the provider on his own
Q: Can I see a provider who has opted out of Medicare?
A. Less than 2% of providers opt out of Medicare. Providers who have opted out are unable to be reimbursed for services rendered. A member may see a provider who has opted out of Medicare; however, the visit will not be paid for by the plan or Medicare. A listing of providers that have opted out of Medicare can be found here on the CMS website.
Q: How do I file a claim after seeing a provider who doesn’t accept Medicare assignment?
A. If the provider does not accept Medicare assignment and refuses to bill BCBS, the member may need to pay the billed amount of the services directly to the provider at the time of service and submit the bill to BCBSTX for reimbursement. There is no reimbursement form to complete, however you can submit a claim for reimbursement in writing to:
Blue Cross Medicare Advantage (Claims)
PO Box 4195
Scranton, PA 18505
Please include the following documentation:
- Copy of receipt showing payment was made
- Member name and ID number including the alpha prefix listed on ID card
- An invoice showing services rendered OR another form of documentation that includes:
- Diagnosis (or DX codes if available)
- Procedure (or CPT codes if available)
- Name and address of servicing provider