Behavioral Health Incentives

Learn to Live: Behavioral Health Online Resources

Learn to Live is a no cost online health program.  It is offered to members and caregivers.  If you have mild to moderate mental or emotional health concerns, Learn to Live gives self-paced mental health solutions.  Plus, you get access to 24/7 therapy coaches for members.  It can help with common challenges like stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia and substance abuse.

To start, register here at Learn to Live (Access Code: TXMED).

Behavioral Health Inpatient Follow-up Incentive

Members who have been discharged from inpatient care after a behavioral health visit are eligible to get a $50 gift card when they follow-up with their provider within seven days after a behavioral health hospitalization.

Limitations: Members must attend a follow-up visit with a behavioral health provider within seven days following a discharge for mental illness or intentional self-harm diagnoses. Members must be enrolled in the plan to receive the gift card. To get the gift card, members must be active on the plan at the time of the checkup and visit an in-network PCP.

Once you complete the exam, please visit to register to claim your gift card reward.


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