Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas offers health care benefits and access to care to help you stay well. BCBSTX covers medically necessary care that we OK ahead of time such as:
- Visits to PCPs, specialists or other providers
- Preventive care
- Emergency services
- Hospital services
- And more
Get a full list of your covered benefits in Part 19 of your CHIP Member Handbook.
CHIP Copayments
If you get CHIP Perinatal benefits, you do not have cost-sharing obligations, including enrollment fees and copayments (copays). CHIP Members who are Native American or Alaskan Native also do not have cost-sharing obligations, including enrollment fees and copays.
How much are copays and when do they apply?
Your member's card shows if you have a copay. If you are a Native American or an Alaskan Native, then please call BCBSTX to have this copay amount corrected. You will not have to pay copays for the following:
- Primary Care Provider (PCP) visits for well-baby and well-child services
- Preventive services
- Pregnancy-related assistance
The following chart shows your copay for different services, based on income guidelines.