Wellness Incentives for Infants, Children and Adolescents

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) wants to encourage children and adolescents to visit their primary care provider (PCP) regularly. That’s why we offer incentive gift cards to BCBSTX STAR Kids members who qualify.

Texas Health Steps Checkups Incentive Gift Card for Infants

BCBSTX offers a $120 gift card to STAR Kids members ages birth through 15 months who complete their Texas Health Steps checkups.

Limitations: To get the gift card, members must be active on the plan at the time of the checkup and visit an in-network PCP.

Once you complete the exam, please visit bcbstx.com/wellnessrewards to register to claim your gift card reward.

Texas Health Steps Incentive Gift Card for Children and Adolescents

Children and Adolescents should see their PCP or OB/GYN once a year. STAR Kids members ages 2 to 18 who get their yearly Texas Health Steps checkup are eligible to get a $25 gift card.

Limitations: To get the gift card, members must be active on the plan at the time of the checkup and visit an in-network PCP.

Once you complete the exam, please visit bcbstx.com/wellnessrewards to register to claim your gift card reward.

Asthma Prescription Refill Incentive

Members who fill an asthma medication prescription for four consecutive months will be eligible for a $25 gift card.

Limitations: Members must fill prescription for asthma medication four months in a row to be eligible for a $25 gift card. Only one gift card per member will be awarded between 9/1/2024 and 8/31/2025. To get the gift card, members must be active on the plan at the time of the checkup and visit an in-network PCP.

After you fill a monthly asthma prescription, please visit bcbstx.com/wellnessrewards to register to claim your gift card reward. You must fill your prescription each month, for at least four months in a row, to qualify for the reward. Rewards are claims based and will be issued once all four claims have been received by BCBSTX.

Note: Value-Added Services may have restrictions and limitations. For a complete list of limitations, please refer to the Member Handbook or the Value-Added Services brochure.

Learn How Your Plan Works

To learn more about Incentive Gift Cards and Texas Health Steps Checkup, check the Member Handbook.

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