Chikungunya Virus Vaccine Procedure Code 90589 Now a Medicaid Benefit 

What is New

For dates of service on or after April 1, 2024, the Chikungunya virus vaccine, procedure code 90589, is now a benefit for Texas Medicaid members  who are 19 years of age or older.


  • Vaccine procedure code 90589 may be reimbursed for the following provider types and places of services:
    • Office: Physician Assistant, Nurse Practitioner, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Physician
    • Outpatient Hospital: Hospital Providers

How does this impact me

  • You do not have to resubmit claims with procedure codes 90589 with dates of service on or after April 1, 2024. Claims will be automatically reprocessed for appropriate payment. However, you will need to resubmit any claim denied for additional reasons after the claims reprocessing is complete.


Providers, for questions or additional information, please:

The above material is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for the independent medical judgment of a physician or other health care provider. Physicians and other health care providers are encouraged to use their own medical judgment based upon all available information and the condition of the patient in determining the appropriate course of treatment. References to other third-party sources or organizations are not a representation, warranty or endorsement of such organization. Any questions regarding those organizations should be addressed to them directly. The fact that a service or treatment is described in this material is not a guarantee that the service or treatment is a covered benefit and members should refer to their certificate of coverage for more details, including benefits, limitations and exclusions. Regardless of benefits, the final decision about any service or treatment is between the member and their health care provide.