Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) announced today $2.1 million in Healthy Kids, Healthy Families® (HKHF) grants to 54 community-based organizations statewide that focus on health and wellness and target impacts of socio-economic and social determinants of health. The funding also includes $200,000 earmarked for economic opportunity.
The 2022-2023 HKHF grantees were selected following an extensive evaluation process. While the primary focus of the HKHF program remains predicated on four key pillars – disease prevention and management, nutrition, physical activity, and safe environments – this year also includes economic opportunity grants aimed at removing barriers and supporting pathways to employment. These reinforce BCBSTX’s focus on health equity and its core purpose to stand with its members and the communities, in sickness and health.
Therefore, the 2022-2023 HKHF grant cycle called for an emphasis on programs that create measurable results to address social factors impacting health inequalities and social determinants of health such as housing, food deserts, education, jobs, and mental health.
“In partnership with, and through the funding provided by HKHF grants, we are able to continue our focus on our four key pillars, while also addressing equity in economic opportunity such as job training, scholarships, transportation and education,” said Sheena Payne, BCBSTX’s director of Community Affairs. “The 2022-2023 HKHF grantees that were selected demonstrated inventiveness and focus in putting together impactful programs that target mental health, disease prevention and management and nutrition, among other health and socio-economic issues. We are confident their efforts will generate great results while helping vulnerable Texans.”
Toward that goal, the 2022-2023 Healthy Kids, Healthy Families® grantees are: